Netmark Services



Indexing medical records is a crucial step in organizing and structuring large volumes of documents. By systematically tagging each file with relevant keywords, dates, and categories, the process becomes much smoother, allowing for quicker access to essential information. This not only saves time but also helps legal and medical teams avoid errors.

How It Helps:

  • Faster Access: Indexing allows you to retrieve important information quickly without the need to manually search through pages of unorganized records. Whether it’s a specific date, procedure, or diagnosis, an indexed system brings the information right to your fingertips.
  • Improved Organization: Medical records, especially in legal and healthcare contexts, are often voluminous. Indexing ensures that every document is correctly grouped, making it easier to navigate through related files.
  • Efficient Review: With a structured indexing system, reviewers can pinpoint relevant documents instantly, streamlining the review process and saving valuable time during case preparation.

Key Benefits:

  • Easy data navigation
  • Structured records system
  • Time-saving retrieval
  • Improved accuracy and clarity
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75 K
Pages Reviewed per month
8 +
Customizable Output Formats
Expert Reviewers
1 %

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do your services cost?

Costs vary based on the services requested, such as the level of complexity, specific user-defined specifications, specific turnaround time (TAT), and monthly page volume. Netmark can offer standard pricing or flat-rate plans that may apply for larger, consistent weekly/monthly volumes to any individual, group, or organization. Some of our more comprehensive services involve multiple medical professionals, which in many cases, increases the individual reporting cost and will be determined between the client and a Netmark representative.

Do you price by hour or per case…how?

Netmark typically invoices for standard MRR (medical record review) work in a line-item fashion based on a per-page or bid cost. The invoicing separates each submitted case by case/client name, date, and/or customer billing account number. For ease of operation, Medico-Legal clients often request charges and costs to be reflected in an hourly rate fashion, which Netmark also accommodates as desired.

Life Care Plans and Medical Cost Projections may require multiple professionals to review and provide input, depending on their complexity. This affects the TAT (turnaround time) and the end cost. Before the start of production, each LCP or MCP will be provided and agreed upon in a bid fashion.

Are your staff US-based or non-US based?

Netmark provides staffing for both your needs. Our sales and support staff are based in the US, following organizational rules driven by local idiosyncrasies. However, most report reviewers and associated staff are provided by non-US-based personnel, which enables Netmark to offer low-price points to the benefit of our end-users. The doctors, experts, and nurses providing medical services for record reviews and opinions are US-based and have specialties and sub-specialties in the areas of expertise requested. As for Life Care Planning and Medical Cost Projection plans, those services are provided by US-based experts in the relevant fields required for each plan.

Do you have medical professionals and experts available to provide medical opinions where and when required?

Yes. Netmark, through the years, has developed relationships with medical professionals with varying areas of expertise and backgrounds which we call upon to provide an opinion based on records of medical services they received. These opinions are especially useful in legal litigations and pleadings and assisting in the production of Life Care Plans where such opinions necessitate a medical professional or expert opinion and remarks.

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